Petrel exploration geology | SLB

Petrel exploration geology

Analyze petroleum systems from basin to prospect scale.


Petrel exploration geology enables the complete modeling and analysis of petroleum systems—from the play to prospect scale. Initial screening and calibration to well data are enabled through 1D petroleum systems modeling and simulation. The petroleum systems quick-look provides map-based migration for area-based screening of the full petroleum systems and drainage area closure analysis.

Play chance mapping enables delineating the chance of success of different play elements and assessing the total chance of success of a play.

Full 3D petroleum systems models can be built and simulated, accessing the most advanced technology from PetroMod petroleum systems modeling software’s simulator. This technology enables you to simulate the complete petroleum system through geological time, from source rock maturation and hydrocarbon generation to migration and trapping in the reservoir including seal integrity.

Petrel exploration geology
View the hydrocarbon accumulations and flowpaths in context with project data such as seismic and chance of success in concessions. Data courtesy of NPD.
  • Evaluate key uncertainties in a play: trap, reservoir, charge (source rock maturity and hydrocarbon migration), and seal
  • Perform rapid initial exploration screening
  • Build and simulate 1D and 3D petroleum systems models including the effects of changing water depths, erosion, faults, and changing fault rock properties through geological time
  • Capture high-resolution facies and lithology changes in reservoir layers by linking to seismic data and well logs and by using the wide selection of facies modeling tools in Petrel
  • Create 1D and 3D boundary conditions for petroleum systems by defining time trends or maps
  • Access the complete functionality of PetroMod software’s simulator from the Petrel platform interface
  • Visualize 2D and 3D simulation results through geological time and plot 1D overlays in the Geotime window or well-section window
  • Evaluate distribution, properties, and geochemical composition of resulting hydrocarbon accumulations through geological time
  • Build multiple scenarios and capture uncertainties in 1D models and petroleum systems via quick-look runs by using the workflow editor
  • Assess play risk in an auditable way by directly linking to the interpretation
  • Delineate prospects with chance-of-success estimates
A group sitting in an auditorium watching a presenter speak on a characterization model image

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