Petrel seismic sampling | SLB

Petrel seismic sampling

Resample seismic volumes and geobodies as properties into 3D grids.


In regions with sparse well data, seismic attributes are a key component in distributing properties in a 3D structural grid away from the wells. Petrel™ seismic sampling enables bringing seismic attribute data directly, or in the form of extracted geobodies, into the 3D structural grid.

Resample seismic volumes and geobodies as properties into 3D grids.

  • Sample seismic attribute volumes into an existing 3D grid.
  • Use a range of averaging methods and zone filters to sample seismic attribute data into an existing 3D grid.
  • Sample geobody objects, extracted from seismic attribute volumes, using the Petrel Seismic Volume Rendering and Extraction module into an existing 3D grid.
  • Control how to map voxels of the geobody object, called geoblobs, into the cells of an existing 3D grid.
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