The Petrel E&P software platform offers geoscientists and engineers a single platform for collaborative workflows with best-in-class technology and leading innovation. From seismic processing to production, the Petrel platform enables seamless integration across all the subsurface domains, enabling you to deliver your best field development plan.
Our commitment to technology and quality is one of Schlumberger’s guiding principles. Petrel 2020 delivers the latest updates in domain workflows, functionality and productivity. It also leverages the power of the DELFI environment’s data ecosystem to bring the latest advances in cognitive technology to your favorite E&P platform—whether you’re working in the DELFI environment or on-premise.
Committed to openness, in 2020 we are making the Petrel platform data accessible across the DELFI cognitive E&P environment through its open data ecosystem. This enables us to enrich everyday tasks and workflows and deliver unparalleled productivity and integration, ultimately enabling you to make better informed decisions faster.
Learn more about Petrel and Studio
With Petrel 2020, you can automatically create project milestones, examine the contents of a Petrel platform project before you even open it, and instantly save your progress. All this is enabled by the liberation of Petrel platform data into the DELFI environment’s data ecosystem. By liberating Petrel platform data, you can take full advantage of the platform’s capabilities and also link the geoscience decisions you make in the Petrel platform to DELFI experiences, including, but not limited to
Manage your Petrel platform projects holistically, as incremental, immutable versions with full insight from within and outside of the Petrel platform. Say goodbye to tedious Petrel platform project management tasks and focus on domain workflows that create value.
Only available in the DELFI Petrotechnical Suite.
To improve team collaboration, we’ve increased the footprint of data types which can be managed in the Studio E&P knowledge platform to include corridor cross-sections and triangular meshes. The new relative object filter in Studio Find gives you greater flexibility when searching for objects, enabling you to focus on finding what you need.
Studio 2020 allows the importing of previous data environments which enables all the indexing job definitions to be rerun with minimal configuration, bringing increased productivity to all data managers when upgrading. The smart logic to merge wellpoint data and the handling of user-defined attributes in Studio Manager has been designed to improve your efficiency.
In Petrel 2020, we’re introducing productivity improvements to delight every geoscientist and engineer, reducing the number of mouse clicks required to complete your work. These improvements include:
Experience a truly personalized Petrel platform as well as continuity in your work. In Petrel 2020 the size, position, and tool selection of floating widgets are now saved, meaning you can find your tools right where you left them. Improvements in mapping workflows and zooming to objects in 3D window will bring a positive experience while you interact with the Petrel platform.
Establishing an accurate tie from the well to seismic data is critical to ensure that all your interpretations and models are calibrated. There are now two study options under the seismic well tie process: the first uses well tops as calibration points, and the second enables you to establish user-defined calibration points. This completes the depth synthetic workflow, so whether you’re working with time or depth seismic you can easily create an accurate tie to your well data.
Along with the reductions in mouse clicks, the well data browser tool (previously an Ocean software development framework plug-in) has now been incorporated into the Petrel platform. This tool enables you to quickly and easily investigate hundreds to thousands of wells before moving to more detailed well-correlation workflows.
With Petrel 2020, you can perform implicit fracture modeling on depogrids and complement the existing dual-porosity, dual-permeability workflows available using the INTERSECT high-resolution reservoir simulator. Don’t forfeit geological complexity. Make sure you capture it at every scale to build the best possible representation of the subsurface.
You can further improve the reliability of your depogrid simulation model by incorporating downhole dynamic data, and generating simulated repeat formation testing (RFT) and production logging tool (PLT) logs to compare against measured RFT and PLT during history matching.
The algorithms used in the model construction process of volume-based modeling have been optimized and deliver up to a three-fold improvement in runtime. Performance gains for multisequence models can be achieved by activating the new ‘air-interpretation’ option, which helps control complex horizon relationships.
Take full advantage of the robust physics and performance of INTERSECT when modeling coal seam gas assets. Accurately capture gas desorption from the surface of the coal to the porous media by incorporating time-dependent adsorption in your simulation case.
This functionality requires INTERSECT 2020.1 or later and the INTERSECT Connector 2020.1 or later.
A new workover candidate analysis enables users to quickly identify underperforming wells in the field to apply remedial actions that will maximize production. This is accomplished by cross-plotting reservoir quality, derived from well logs, and historical production performance, coupling reservoir modeling and production analysis. You can quickly identify wells which are producing less than expected based on their reservoir quality. In addition to analysis on the well level, you can use completion-level production data when you have multiple producing intervals flowing into a single wellbore, and therefore plan targeted remedial actions for each producing interval.
Flow scaling for inflow control devices has been simplified and generalized for simulators and devices. Use the Physical valves equivalent device property in the Completions manager to make a single device in simulation represent multiple real devices in parallel, for both the ECLIPSE industry-reference simulator and INTERSECT high-resolution reservoir simulator.
When editing well properties, you can now view and edit the properties of all the wells in the Field Management process in the form of a table. This includes properties such as well status, productivity index, vertical flow profiles (VFP) tables, and more. Right-click Wells in Field Management to access the Well properties table.
The Petrel E&P software platform and the Studio E&P Knowledge Platform bring benefits to all geoscientists and engineers including seismic processors, seismic interpreters, geologists, reservoir modelers, reservoir engineers, drilling engineers, production geologists, and data and information managers. It can be deployed by companies working in exploration, development, and production for either unconventional or conventional reservoirs.