If you want to model lithological variation in high resolution and have a lithofacies seismic cube you could use for populating the facies in a 3D petroleum systems model, you can now use the Petrel Exploration Geology workflow to sample seismic cubes in your present-day grid and directly consume these lithofacies properties for defining the facies in the model. PetroMod 2017.1 bypasses the cumbersome workflow of importing seismic cubes and predefining lithology mixture categories.
Well data are used for thermal and porosity calibration workflows in PetroMod software. Many users store the wells and well data of their assets in the Studio E&P knowledge environment and Petrel platform reference projects, but previously there was no easy way to transfer these data to PetroMod software. Now, with a single click you can export well objects, their trajectories, well log data, and even calibration data from the Petrel platform to the PetroMod Well Editor of a connected PetroMod software project.
Diagenetic reactions have an important impact on the porosity evolution of rocks. Previously, diagenetic effects could be modeled only in a rather simplistic way. PetroMod 2017.1 introduces a dedicated tab in the PetroMod Lithology Editor where you can define multiple diagenetic reactions and even preview their impact on the porosity evolution before simulation.
Are you simulating a petroleum systems model of an unconventional reservoir with high-resolution Darcy migration? The traditional accumulation box cannot give you all the information you need because the Darcy migration does not output accumulations. However, the new cell picker in PetroMod 2017.1 allows you to extract all the required volumetric information from each individual cell or group of cells for evaluating the resource potential of your shale reservoirs.