Fit-for-purpose modern production systems ensure that fluids are cost-effectively transported with the highest possible safety from the reservoir to the processing facilities. Harsh environments such as deepwater fields with complex infrastructure or large-scale onshore developments pose many additional challenges that must be addressed by the production system design. The ability to accurately simulate such a broad range of scenarios and conditions has established the PIPESIM steady-state multiphase flow simulator as the industry’s leading tool for production system design.
Once production systems are brought into operation, the ability to ensure optimal production is critical to achieving the maximum economic potential of the asset. The PIPESIM simulator provides a comprehensive set of workflows ranging from candidate well selection for workovers to identification and mitigation of flow assurance challenges to online optimization of the complete system.
The modernized user interface (UI) delivers a step change in user experience, enabling users to build models more quickly and focus on results. The ability to work within one application and switch between well-centric or network-centric application layouts simplifies the modeling of the entire production system.
From early field development and all the way to production operations, the PIPESIM simulator enables production optimization over the complete life cycle by accessing the latest targeted science to address flow assurance challenges.
PIPESIM 2020.1 will be available soon within the Petrotechnical Suite in the DELFI cognitive E&P environment.
Learn more about PIPESIM
Highly accurate VPC method added for gas lift valve performance
PIPESIM 2020.1 offers an option for members of Valve Performance Clearinghouse™ (VPC) to calculate the performance of gas lift valves using the VPC method and valve catalog. Compared with traditional methods, the VPC method provides a more accurate calculation of the gas flow pattern past the stem and seat and valve throughput. The VPC gas lift valve catalog is owned by Louisiana State University (LSU). The full catalog includes valves from several manufacturers, and you need to contact LSU for access.
Gas lift multipointing now available in System Analysis task
In PIPESIM 2019.1, the option to determine if gas lift injection occurs through several valves (multipointing) was introduced for the P/T profile task. In PIPESIM 2020.1, this option is also now available for the System Analysis task. The option takes into consideration the surface injection pressure and temperature, injection rate, frictional pressure gradient in the annulus, and possible throttling of the gas lift valves.
Native support of risk indications of erosion and corrosion
In PIPESIM 2020.1, the erosion and corrosion risks plug-in functionality is included as a native feature. The functionality associates ranges of corrosion rates and erosional velocity ratios with risk factors to help you easily identify potential problems. You can define customized threshold values, and the risk can be visualized on the GIS map.
Custom ESP motors can now be added to catalog
A more accurate option to calculate the power consumption and transmission losses from downhole to surface for an ESP was added in PIPESIM 2019.5. Further, the set of catalogs in the PIPESIM simulator was expanded with motor and cable catalogs. In PIPESIM 2020.1, if the actual ESP motor cannot be found in the PIPESIM simulator catalog: You can add this custom motor to the ESP motor catalog.
The product is suitable for use by production, process, and flow assurance engineers and those involved in multiphase flow simulation.