New Software Release

Eclipse 2024.2 now available

Friday, 12 July 2024

Product overview

The Eclipse™ industry-reference reservoir simulator offers the most complete and robust set of numerical solutions, for fast and accurate prediction of dynamic behavior, for all types of reservoirs and development schemes. The Eclipse simulator has been the benchmark for commercial reservoir simulation for more than 40 years due to its robust capabilities, speed, parallel scalability, and unmatched platform coverage. The simulator covers the entire spectrum of reservoir modeling, including black-oil, compositional, thermal, and streamline simulation.

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Release highlights

The Eclipse™ industry-reference reservoir simulator 2024.2 release includes key developments that improve field management and reporting workflows, as well as usability enhancements to various features.

Release Updates

Date-ordered tabular input for satellite group production definition

The new GSATPTAB keyword has been added to both E100 and E300 to allow specification of all satellite group production information in a single keyword, with rows defined by the date they are to be applied. This is an alternative to the existing GSATPROD keyword, which must be specified multiple times throughout the scheduling data

New and improved functionality

For both Eclipse 100 and Eclipse 300 simulators

  • Improvements to robustness of parallel simulation of large grids.
  • Improvements to consistency of reporting user-defined quantities (UDQ) measurements to the summary file in serial and parallel runs.
  • Removal of spurious output when well lists are included in keywords that do not support them.
  • Removal of spurious output when wildcards that do not match any valid items are requested.

For the Eclipse 100 simulator

  • The dynamic allocation memory system for summary vectors has been improved to support cases with extremely large numbers of wells and/or groups.
  • Improved handling of the END keyword in datasets containing local grid refinements.

For the Eclipse 300 simulator

  • Validation of group-related keywords has been improved.
  • Improved reporting of summary vectors for tracer production concentrations.
  • Validation has been improved for very large thermal models in parallel to ensure clean termination with output of suggested viable parallel splits when the requested parallel split is unviable.