Omega seismic data processing software is a flexible, scalable system that allows for processing and imaging on a single workstation or massive compute clusters, or from a single 2D line to an immense 3D seismic survey. Omega software accurately and efficiently processes the following:
Learn more about Omega
/etc/omega/installations file must be touched so Omega Launchers can reread new config file.
External Cloud only:
Please take a copy of the value of the following variables from the config before applying the patch as it may overwrite their values:
Environment.SD_SVC_API_KEY (google only)
After installing this patch please set the config variables back to their original values.
1. Download the kit from the web page to
2. unzip and install
cd /wg/omega/patches
List information about the patch:
./2023.1EXTPatch43/2023.1EXTPatch43 --info
Install the patch:
The patch is now installed.
3. On Linux, restart the Omega Desktop.
4. On Windows, run a Force Full Omega Update and let it complete. Once
completed as confirmed by Event Viewer, restart the Omega Desktop.
1. Download file from the Customer Care centre and place it
locally on the machine to update.
2. Unzip into local directory
3. Start command line in administrator mode and navigate to the extraction directory.
4. Run the install command
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -file 2023.1EXTPatch43.ps1
5. Once installed, restart the Omega Desktop.