The Petrel E&P software platform offers geoscientists and engineers a single platform for collaborative workflows with best-in-class technology and leading innovation. From seismic processing to production, the Petrel platform enables seamless integration across all subsurface domains, enabling you to deliver your best field development plan.
Our commitment to technology and quality is one of Schlumberger’s guiding principles. Petrel 2020.3 delivers the latest updates in domain workflows, functionality, and productivity. It also leverages the power of the DELFI cognitive E&P environment’s data ecosystem to bring the latest advances in cognitive technology to your favorite E&P platform—whether you’re working in the DELFI environment or on-premise.
Committed to openness, in 2020 we are making the Petrel platform data accessible across the DELFI cognitive E&P environment through its open data ecosystem. This enables us to enrich everyday tasks and workflows, while delivering unparalleled productivity and integration, ultimately enabling you to make better informed decisions faster.
Learn more about Petrel and Studio
Studio 2020.3 provides you with a series of time-saving usability improvements ranging from the quick tagging of quality attributes when data loading to the support for automatic color fill of the Studio E&P knowledge platform mud logs when using the WITSML connector. A redesign of the database refresh application offers you clarity and more control over which refresh tasks are to be performed for parts of your Studio platform database or repository.
Stop scrolling through your input pane for the right data object; use the improved smart search performance to quickly find the object you need. Search results are now categorized by object type and show the total count of items that fit into each category. You can also expand the results to show the full list of items. Smart searches are enabled in an object’s Operations tab in the Setting dialog box, in the supported workflow editor work steps and the Make/Edit polygons process.
In Petrel 2020.2, you had the ability to automate over 80% of work steps in the Petrel platform. In Petrel 2020.3, we continue our work to help improve your efficiency with the following work steps that are now available in the workflow editor:
Ever been unable to complete an operation or workflow because data has been removed or is missing from your project? Petrel 2020.3 offers a solution to recover metadata on deleted objects or find them in the Studio platform. Now, when you come across a missing object in a workflow or operation, you can find simple (object type, template, domain) and advanced (object name, import/reference project tool/Studio platform synchronization history) information on an object to help you find it. Workflow editor scripts can now be exported in a private format, in which advanced metadata is saved to ensure compliance with privacy policies and standards.
Petrel 2020.3 delivers the long-awaited ability to edit well log headers in the well section window. You can now customize the log name, font size, and color for improved clarity while working. You can also display both linear and logarithmic scales in a single track, making petrophysical analysis easier. Further improve your well section display by customizing well top styles, hiding interwell surface lines and displaying well top sublabels between wells.
The highly demanded ability to customize well log exports is delivered in Petrel 2020.3, offering flexibility and efficient log exports. The new log export manager allows you to select which logs you want to export for certain wells, as well as customize the sampling rate, internal, or numeric precision of the exported log.
Your interaction with well data is easier in Petrel 2020.3 due to performance improvements in the well data browser, as well as an automatic refresh when changes are made in the input pane. The abilities to export comment logs for multiple wells and edit survey and plan names on import offer you further usability improvements.
Several enhancements in Petrel 2020.3 have been implemented to improve seismic interpretation performance and help you work efficiently. From visualizing seismic data using the smooth interpolation method to computing vintages for a seismic intersection, Petrel 2020.3 greatly improves performance in the interpretation window.
EBCDIC header information is now captured and stored when realizing ZGY format seismic from SEG-Y files, greatly improving the integrity of your seismic and helping you to quickly track down source data. The saved metadata can be found in a new tab in the Settings dialog of the output ZGY data file.
Further improvements in the depth synthetics workflow offer you greater flexibility and control of your study. You can now interactively create and edit alignment points and change their name; and a consolidated depth calibration spreadsheet enables you to quickly compare shifts across all depth calibration studies in your project.
We’ve been working to bring you a raft of usability improvements for 2D forward modeling in Petrel 2020.3, making it easier for you to better characterize the subsurface. With AVO plots, well log template flexibility, right-click creation of events based on markers, and copy and pasting of fluid substitution data between bodies, forward modeling has never been easier.
Integrated fault seal analysis with Depogrid and INTERSECT high-resolution reservoir simulator | User-defined, repeatable grid segmentation |
The new ability to save property filters as separate objects offers much easier control and improved usability. Now, when filtering properties, a save icon enables you to save all filtering parameters to a standalone object, which is also supported in the workflow editor.
Petrel 2020.3 offers greater flexibility when restarting geomechanical simulations from previously completed simulations and steps therein. Restarts can now be done directly from any VISAGE finite-element geomechanics simulator case that uses the same grid and setup. It is supported for both one-way and two-way coupled simulations and either on a local machine or on remote compute infrastructure.
When using the Petrel platform in the DELFI environment, you can now extract 1D mechanical earth models (MEMs) from the 3D MEM for a selected well trajectory and upload it directly to DELFI Geomechanical Insights. This dataset can then be used for digital workflows with the DrillPlan coherent well construction planning solution.
Only available in the DELFI Petrotechnical Suite. For more information about DELFI Geomechanical Insights, please contact your local account manager.
A new operation in the ‘QC Manager’ for structural framework models provides an efficient workflow to validate the consistency between the interpreted stratigraphy at the well and the modeled horizons. This new operation computes well top residuals to compare the stratigraphic distance between the input well top and output horizon, providing a valuable insight into model quality.
To assist in the analysis of structural model quality and fault seal behavior, the following fault operations have been added for Depogrids in Petrel 2020.3:
A new method for calculating fault slip utilizing the depositional space mapping is also available for Depogrids. This significantly improves the estimation of fault properties for curved faults and around fault intersections.
A new integrated fault seal analysis workflow can now be performed by consuming fault properties generated on Depogrid faults in the INTERSECT high-resolution reservoir simulator. This workflow enables the direct consumption of geologically defined fault properties (such as permeability, thickness, and threshold pressure) in the INTERSECT simulator. For uncertainty analysis and history matching workflows, a new scaling factor property is now available to accurately adjust these properties between simulation runs.
In Petrel 2020.3, a significant update has been made to the ‘Make segments’ process enabling user-defined, repeatable grid segmentation for structural grids. User-defined parameters for fault relationships can now be set to control the virtual extrapolation of faults through their truncations. The defined parameters are stored and can be reapplied to other grids, or to properties on the same grid, to reproduce equivalent grid segments. This update also allows alternative segmentation to be applied to individual reservoir units, providing enhanced characterization of complex stacked reservoir systems.
The RE Extension Suite has now been onboarded into the Petrel platform, so from Petrel 2020.3 and onward, no separate installation is required. This onboarding includes the existing plug-ins listed below, as well as one new module. Well Event Analysis is a quality control tool for well production data and well completions.
In Petrel 2020.3, we continue to build on field management workflows by expanding the workover candidate recognition and validation process. This workflow enables you to quickly identify production challenges, analyze and validate solutions, and rank candidate wells for workover. New functionality includes a new guided workflow process to structure your analysis through underperformers identification, problem well analysis, production forecast and selection, and ranking of candidate wells.
The Petrel E&P software platform and Studio E&P knowledge platform bring benefits to all geoscientists and engineers, including seismic processors, seismic interpreters, geologists, reservoir modelers, reservoir engineers, drilling engineers, production geologists, and data and information managers. They can be deployed by companies working in exploration, development, and production for either unconventional or conventional reservoirs.