New Software Release

Petrel 2023.8 and Studio 2023.8 Now Available

Wednesday, 24 July 2024

Product overview

Petrel™ subsurface software offers geoscientists and engineers a single platform for collaborative workflows, through best-in-class technology and leading innovation.

From seismic processing to production, and new energy projects, such as carbon capture, utilization, and sequestration (CCUS), geothermal and wind farm site characterization, Petrel software enables seamless integration across all subsurface domains, helping users to deliver their best field development plan.

Commitment to technology and quality is one of SLB’s guiding principles, and as such, Petrel 2023.8 delivers the latest updates in domain workflows, functionality, and productivity. It also leverages the power of the Delfi™ digital platform to bring the latest advances in cognitive technology to your favorite subsurface software.

Release summary

Petrel 2023.8 is mainly a quality and stability improvement release where we have focused on ensuring the platform is robust and easy to use. In this release, new functionalities have also been added based on popular feature requests. Please read the release notes to find the full list of improvements and fixes delivered.

Check out the latest technology updates on the Petrel software web page.


Data (Studio™ E&P knowledge software)

Summary of Studio software updates:

  • To improve the user experience when working with projects with a high number of wells, the tree in the Refine well selection dialog box in Petrel is collapsed by default.
  • User can now select multiple database and repository refresh tasks by using the Select all check box in the table header in the Database Refresh app.



The auto legends for 2D and 3D windows showed two decimal positions by default. Now unnecessary decimal positions will not be shown, creating a cleaner display without having to change the template settings.


Petrel and Studio


Geological Interpretation

Users can now remove empty wells under a Well tops folder by right-clicking on the Well filter icon and selecting Remove empty wells. This will reduce the number of clicks while helping to keep Petrel projects clean and manageable.

Under the Well manager, a new Column selector is now available, which allows users to quickly jump to the information they need about their project in a simple and intuitive interface, giving users more control over their data.


Petrel and Studio


After creating a Well plan, users can now quickly convert that plan into a survey with a simple right-click. After selecting Create a survey, the plan will then be converted to a survey housed under the well’s Surveys and plans folder.

A new import buffer has been introduced to capture geotechnical and geoenvironmental (.ags) files in the wind energy sector for use in Petrel, eliminating the need for cumbersome workarounds for these new energy projects.

Improved behavior of the Keep wells in zones algorithm in the Make/edit surface process.

In the raster digitization process, users can now edit a previously saved digitized raster log, allowing for quick, on-the-fly editing of digitized curves.


Geophysical Interpretation

New features in this area include:

  • Fast connect to local files for 3D seismic (ZGY). New function of reconnecting seismic on local disks. This function retains the GUID, allowing users) to clean their .ptd folder from internal seismic cubes
  • Increased realization performance for large seismic volumes
  • Enhancement of the Workflow Editor module for the volume attribute i.e. Frequency Filter. Now users can add variables in the Frequency Filter
  • Automated machine learning (AutoML) presets the selection and parametrization of machine learning models for Quantitative Interpretation (QI) ML. AutoML iterates over different data transformations, machine learning algorithms, and hyperparameters to select and apply the best model. The AutoML tab has been added to the QI Machine Learning Training dialog box


Structural and Reservoir Modeling

The structural framework tools that were available on right-mouse-button click in previous versions are now available in the new dedicated Structural framework tool palette. This allows a user to easily access these operations via the Structural framework palette and remain available as long as the palette is open.


Petrel and Studio


A new functionality has been added to facilitate the construction of fault frameworks. Now with a right-click on an interpreted fault (fault sticks or points), users have an option to add this item to the existing and active fault framework without the need to open the fault framework process. This is available in the 3D window and from the Input tree.

When combining both tools, users can interactively update their fault model directly in the 3D window and visualize the results, without the need to open the Fault Framework process. This results in an accelerated fault modeling process for both model creation and continuous model updates.


Both Petrel software and Studio software bring benefits to all geoscientists and engineers, including seismic processors, seismic interpreters, geologists, reservoir modelers, reservoir engineers, drilling engineers, production geologists, and data and information managers.

They can be deployed by companies working in exploration, development, and production for either unconventional or conventional reservoirs. They are now also fully used for developing new energy projects, such as CCUS, geothermal and wind farm site characterization.