New Software Release

Petrel and Studio 2024.5 Now Available

Friday, 25 October 2024

Petrel and Studio
Public dataset from Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappji (NAM) and the Dutch research infrastructure of solid earth sciences (NAM 2020).


Petrel™ subsurface software offers geoscientists and engineers a single platform for collaborative workflows with best-in-class technology and leading innovation.

From seismic processing to production, and new energy projects, such as carbon capture, utilization, and sequestration (CCUS), geothermal and wind farm site characterization, Petrel software enables seamless integration across all subsurface domains, helping users to deliver their best field development plan.

Our commitment to technology and quality is one of SLB’s guiding principles. Petrel 2024.5 delivers the latest updates in domain workflows, functionality, and productivity. It also leverages the power of the Delfi™ digital platform to bring the latest advances in cognitive technology to your favorite subsurface software.

In these releases you will find new functionality to:  

  • Utilize machine learning to generate geologically consistent horizons with multi-horizon prediction 
  • Predict fold related natural fracture distributions using the new Folding driver process 
  • Improvements to structural modeling workflows increase workflow efficiency and accuracy 
  • Run the Uncertainty and Optimization workflow more efficiently with an improved user interface 
  • Estimate CO2 capacity in saline aquifers using a guided workflow  
  • Insert multiple depth surfaces representing your target reservoirs to plan wells for multiple benches in a single go 

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Additional release highlights and information:


Geologically consistent horizons with machine learning for multi-horizon prediction

Multi-horizon prediction uses machine learning to predict geologically consistent sequences and can be used to predict horizons with non-consistent reflectors, truncations, salt bodies, channels, unconformities etc. The predicted horizons can be seamlessly extracted and interactively filtered to create clean and precise interpretation to rapidly build an accurate structural model.

Petrel and Studio
Data courtesy of Geoscience Australia



Predict fold related natural fracture distributions using the new Folding driver process

A new driver, called Folding driver, is now available to predict fold related natural fracture distributions. The results from this calculation are used to generate fracture characteristics, storing them into an existing grid as properties which can be consumed directly in the fracture network process. Complementing the Fault natural fracture prediction (NFP) workflow, this new driver brings a new geomechanical and geological approach to natural fracture distribution.

Petrel and Studio




Improvements to structural modeling workflows increase workflow efficiency and accuracy

Segment filters on depogrids are now created based on the regions fault block data for that grid. The copy global grid operation for depogrids is also now available. A part of a depogrid can be extracted using either the segment filter, zone filter, cell index limits, or a closed polygon. The new grid contains the associated reduced list of faults, horizons, and zones, together with the grid and fault properties.

Petrel and Studio




Improved user interface for Uncertainty and Optimization workflows

The Base case tab of the Uncertainty and optimization dialog box now has the same look and feel as the Workflow editor. The update includes a new comments field and the ability to search for utilities, operations, and processes that you can insert into the workflow improving efficiency.

Petrel and Studio




Estimate CO2 capacity in saline aquifers using a guided workflow

The Carbon storage model builder provides a step-by-step guided workflow for the setup of a simulation model to estimate CO2 capacity in saline aquifers. In this guided workflow, you can model the complex physical and chemical behavior of CO2 in a few user-friendly guided steps.

Petrel and Studio




Insert multiple depth surfaces in one go, representing your target reservoirs for pad well design

In the Pad well design process, you can now insert multiple depth surfaces representing your target reservoirs to plan wells for multiple benches in a single sitting and organize the output plans into separate reservoir target folders.

Petrel and Studio




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For more detailed information:  



Release summary

Updates in Petrel 2024.2 to Petrel 2024.5 focus on quality and stability improvements ensuring the platform is robust and easy to use. In these releases, new functionalities have also been added based on popular feature requests. Please read the release notes to find the full list of improvements and fixes delivered.

Check out the latest technology updates on the Petrel software web page.


In these releases you will find new functionality to:

  • Utilize machine learning to generate geologically consistent horizons with multi-horizon prediction
  • Predict fold-related natural fracture distributions using the new “Folding driver” process
  • Improvements to structural modeling workflows increase workflow efficiency and accuracy
  • Run the “Uncertainty and optimization” process more efficiently with an improved user interface
  • Estimate CO2 capacity in saline aquifers using a guided workflow
  • Insert multiple depth surfaces representing your target reservoirs to plan wells for multiple benches in a single run
  • Much, much more...

    Data (Studio)

    Studio 2024.3

    Usability of the Database Refresh app is improved. A “Select all” checkbox in the table header is made available for users to easily select/un-select all rows in the table. This feature is available for both database refresh tasks and repository refresh tasks.

    The restore process has improved to support different user domains to ensure user roles are correctly mapped to the restored repository. When restoring from a repository backup, admins can now enter old and new domain names in the “Recover external files from backup” dialog box. This ensures that in cases where the user domain has changed since the backup was taken, user roles are properly assigned with sufficient permissions during the repository restore.

    Enterprise plug-ins are available for Studio Manager in the Delfi Launcher. Users can select plug-ins to include when launching Studio from the Delfi Launcher.


    Studio 2024.4

    To make the Studio database server reboot process easier for database administrators, a new row in the sks_sys.SKS_Parameter table is introduced. When this value is set, users in Petrel software and Studio Manager are notified through a pop-up dialog that the database administrator plans to reboot the server.

    Petrel software checks for this database value every five minutes, and Studio Manager every 30 seconds by default. When the reboot value is set in the database, connection to the database is automatically terminated after any active transfer processes have completed and users cannot connect to the database. After server reboot, the database administrator can reset the value in the database, enabling users to connect to the database.

    Two new Studio Ocean APIs to support accessing Studio software filters are now available:
              Repository.Filters—gets all the filters, including Public, System and My filters
             Repository.GetKeysByFilter()—gets the keys of domain objects retrieved for the given filter

    Two new overload methods are added to AdminCoordinateService to support name parameters when creating late-bound CRS and simple transforms:
              AdminCoordinateService.CreateLateBoundCoordinateReferenceSyste m()

    New APIs are available to allow writing trace samples after saving a repository. A new property that can be used to control how a seismic file is closed is added. When set to false, the seismic file is closed when the repository is saved. When set to true, the seismic file is closed when the repository is disposed. The default value is false.


    Studio 2024.5

    Installation of the Studio Web Server now requires .NET Core 8.0. For more information, see the Studio and Petrel software installation and configuration guide.

    A new read-only API is introduced to improve performance while fetching samples of regular surfaces:
              RegularHeightFieldSurface.Invar iantSamples

    A set of new APIs are introduced to calculate statistics:
              StatisticsService.CanGetStatist ics

    The service currently supports the below data types:




    2024.2  The Operations tab in the Settings dialog box for objects has been updated so that the user can now filter operations by name in the Filter field. Additionally, validation has been added to alert of missing secondary input when running a process in the operations tab of an object. The missing input field has a red outline and the Run button is unavailable until the user provides the missing object.

    2024.4 The Health Monitor additional reports
    2024.4 The Health Monitor has an additional Report session (Start up, Project load, Project save, and Project data reports) where users can click to obtain information about objects and processes in the Petrel project listed in the Output sheet.


    Petrel and Studio


    2024.5 Petrel startup performance improvement
    2024.5 Petrel startup performance time is improved 2x times when the user has already defined a favorite license selection.


    Petrel and Studio



    Delfi digital platform

    (2024.4) Delfi Recent Projects: (Delfi and Project Explorer Only)View and launch recently opened projects directly in the new Digital Home.


    Petrel and Studio


    (2024.4) Smart Retrieval Offload of Simulation Cases: (Delfi and Project Explorer Only) It is now possible to offload simulation cases with the smart retrieval feature without needing to clear the local cache. This allows the user to remove the case from local storage while still saving the case in Project Explorer. It can be retrieved into the project at any time.


    Petrel and Studio



    Geological Interpretation

    Petrel 2024.2

    Column selector for Well data browser:

    With the introduction of the new column selector for the Well data browser, users can get more out of their data. Through a familiar interface, users can slice-and-dice their data to get a better understanding of the underlying data to help drive better decisions.


    Petrel and Studio


    Petrel 2024.3

    Pad well design – planning for multiple targets

    In the Pad well design process, you can now insert multiple depth surfaces representing your target reservoirs to plan wells for multiple benches in a single go and organize the output plans into separate reservoir target folders.



    Petrel and Studio


    Fill histogram with a discrete log

    In the Histogram window, users can now fill in displayed data with a discrete log. For example, when posting porosity data for a well, users can then color the porosity bins with a facies log to better understand how the underlying geology affects the porosity distribution.


    Petrel and Studio


    Petrel 2024.4

    Usability update: Discrete filled bins outlined for multiple wells

    When posting multiple wells in the Histogram window and filling those data with a unique Global discrete log, the bins belonging to each well are outlined in the well color for ease of understanding the data. The color can be adjusted for any bin by going to the settings of the individual well's Info tab and changing the color directly.


    Petrel and Studio


    Geophysical Interpretation

    Predict multiple horizons using machine learning

    This new functionality will be available in Petrel 2024.5, enabled by the Machine Learning for Petrel plug-in on prem and using the Seismic Machine Learning Subscription on Delfi.

    It uses machine learning to predict geologically consistent sequences and can be used to predict horizons with non-consistent reflectors, truncations, salt bodies, channels, unconformities etc. The predicted horizons can be seamlessly extracted and interactively filtered to create clean and precise interpretation to rapidly build an accurate structural model.


    Petrel and Studio Data courtesy of Geoscience Australia


    Petrel 2024.2

    Seismic Streaming: The Seismic DMS (SDMS) Setting tool allows an admin to create and assign specific users to SDMS projects, helping to streamline SDMS management from Petrel software.

    Seismic Streaming now enables round tripping for color tables. The changes in color tables are preserved, which help in removing repetition of the same task, improving workflow efficiency.


    Petrel 2024.3

    Fast Reconnect: To remove internal seismic from a Petrel project and reduce the size a new feature has been introduced. This enables users to reconnect to ZGY both from Input and Velocity Model Cubes copied out of the project directory (ptd) folders while preserving the Globally Unique Identifier (GUID).


    Petrel 2024.4

    Quantitative Interpretation (QI) Machine Learning (ML) Reservoir Characterization – Added support for training and prediction of discrete logs (facies, lithology etc.). This will enable the user to predict lithology and other discrete properties, directly from seismic angle stacks.

    QI Machine Learning Auto ML model selection – The AutoML selection interface has been improved. Additionally, the user can now select any model from the best model list of AutoML and apply to their data and compare results. The best model at position 1 will be selected by default.

    QI Machine Learning Prediction available in the workflow editor - The QI Machine Learning prediction process is now available in the workflow editor as a workflow step. Currently it does not support workflow variables.


    Petrel 2024.5

    Overlay in interpretation window - The seismic overlay (accessible through the Inspector) has now been expanded to allow overlay of volumes with different geometry, vertical sampling and overlap. The overlay volumes can be in the same survey or in another survey.

    Geophysics: Quantitative Interpretation

    QI ML Reservoir Characterization discrete property prediction – When training and predicting for discrete logs (facies, lithology etc.), the QC tab now shows a confusion table. This table shows the correlation between classification categories.

    QI ML Reservoir Characterization background model – A user-defined background model can now be added to the results to generate an absolute attribute. The background model should be of the same template as the target attribute.



    Structural and reservoir modeling

    Structural Modeling

    (2024.1) A re-designed version of the Horizon clean-up process is now available. You can use this process to remove poor quality data, whilst retaining good quality data, for example around faults. It is advisable to clean up horizon input data around faults, using several algorithms and filtering rules, before building horizons in a pillar grid or a structural model. The new process provides improved usability and performance, and importantly follows the expected ‘Edit existing’ Petrel behavior in which user inputs and settings are saved with the output ‘Keep vs delete’ attribute. Full support for skeleton pillar faults, fault frameworks, and structural models is also provided.

    (2024.1) Some updates to the structural and fault analysis fault geometry mapping operations have been made to ensure compatibility of the results with the Horizon clean-up process. The fault geometry mapping operations are very useful for isolating horizon data around individual faults that will control the generation of horizon-fault lines in pillar grids and structural models. These tools can be used in combination with other structural and fault analysis operations to clean up data around model faults. The performance of this operation has been improved, including the option to focus the analysis to a reduced area around the faults. The application of this operation for structural frameworks is now provided and has also been improved for skeleton pillar grids.

    (2024.3) A new option has been added in the model construction pane to improve the fit between well tops and seismic horizons. The “Enhanced well top adjustment” option will increase the well top weighting relative to the seismic data and an additional adjustment algorithm is applied iteratively. This reduces the gap in cases where there is a considerable mis-tie.



    (2024.4) Segment filters on depogrids are now created based on the regions fault block data for that grid. The segment filter operates in the same way as it does for pillar grids.

    (2024.5) The Copy global grid operation for depogrids is available. A part of a depogrid can be extracted using either the segment filter, zone filter, cell index limits, or a closed polygon. The new grid contains the associated reduced list of faults, horizons, and zones together with the grid and fault properties. This grid can be used in localized studies, for example, reservoir property distribution and reservoir simulation, in the same way as the global grid.


    Property Modeling

    (2024.1) The geostatistical library GSLIB has been retired from all relevant processes in Petrel, after a 7 year transition period to more robust native implementations of those same algorithms. All existing objects using GSLIB will automatically remap to the native algorithms to reproduce similar results with minimal changes.

    (2024.1) Fully automated Petrophysical modelling as part of end-to-end reservoir modelling process: a user can assign local/global variables for "Bivariate distribution" and "crossplot" option under Distribution tab in petrophysical modelling. Also, a user can add a $variable for "Number of cut values" From upscaled log.

    (2024.1) Previously on Well log upscaling under the "Saved search" option users could only drop a saved search. Users now have greater flexibility to drop a combination of single wells, well folders, and saved searches using a reference list through either a local or global reference variable.

    (2024.2) For quick quality checks of reservoir models, users can display quality assurance (QA) maps in a histogram window directly from the model pane for any type of grid. Moreover, users can display the average value of a single well or a selection of wells on the quality assurance map histogram window as a vertical line. The vertical line can only be shown if the quality assurance map method is "Average".

    Note: By toggling on/off the "Average well values" a user can turn on/off the vertical line from a histogram window but can still keep the well selection.

    (2024.3) For a fully parameterized end to end reservoir modelling process, it is now possible to assign a local or global variable for a region property in the "Make contact" process. This option is only available from the "Workflow editor" and "Uncertainty and optimization" process.

    (2024.3) When generating a QA map using a visual filter, the reported well log values in the map window are coming from the grid. A "Use well log filter" option has been added to the QA map setting window, in order to show the well log values from the corresponding raw well logs as well.

    (2024.4) A quantile-quantile (Q-Q) plot mode is enabled in the Function window. It plots the corresponding percentile values of data from each crossplot axis to compare the differences in their probability distribution function.

    (2024.4) ML for property modeling (EMBER) now outputs QC plots for each model, producing a series of plot windows combining statistical reporting and contextual explanation to enable easy analyses of the quality of each model.

    (2024.5) Users can guide the distribution of primary data in petrophysical modeling with secondary data by using a density map describing their relationship. X-Y density maps in the Function viewport (crossplot) can be extracted as standalone objects and used in the Distribution tab in Petrophysical modeling to define Bivariate distributions.

    Fracture Modeling

    (2024.1) Embedded discrete fracture models (EDFM) are available in Petrel and Intersect to allow fractures to be represented as discrete objects during reservoir modeling and simulation. A new Composite fracture network process is provided to combine multiple hydraulic/natural discrete fracture networks and attributes into a single composite discrete fracture network (CDFN). This CDFN and its attributes are a critical preparation step for the reservoir simulation of pillar or stairstep grids containing discrete fractures. Within Petrel, the CDFN must be provided in an EDFM-type Define simulation case.

    (2024.4) In addition to the faulting driver (previously named Tectonic Model), a new driver, called Folding driver, is now available to predict fold related natural fracture distributions. The results from this calculation are used to generate fracture characteristics, storing them into an existing grid as properties which can be consumed directly in the fracture network process. Complementing the Fault natural fracture prediction (NFP) workflow, this new driver brings a new geomechanical and geological approach to natural fracture distribution.


    Summary of Geomechanics updates.

    (2024.3) Petrel Geomechanics now offers a new direct coupling feature which improves our existing offering for coupled simulation where flow fields and geomechanics are computed together. It is based on the exchange of dynamic simulation results using the remote procedure call (gRPC) protocol. “Direct coupling” is available as a check box under “Model configuration”, when setting up a two-way coupled simulation with Visage and Intersect. This option requires Intersect and Visage 2024.2.

    (2024.4) The Define geomechanics simulation case process has a new option to select Algebraic Multigrid (AMG) as a linear solver for Visage simulation cases. AMG allows you to more quickly solve large linear systems of equations, especially those arising from mechanical problems with challenging geometries. The method is particularly effective in handling features often found in geomechanics, where materials have varied and complex properties. Compared to the Jacobi solver preconditioner, you can expect 2x - 10x faster solver convergence when using the AMG option. Please note that the AMG solver requires Visage 2024.2 or newer and it requires approximately 50% more memory when compared to alternative solver options.

    (2024.4) The usability of the process “Subsurface to drilling integration” has been improved by adding a filter when associating a study to a DrillPlan project. When a 1DMEM study, you now have the option to upload additional custom curves for critical well pressures. These can later be visualized in DrillPlan and used for casing and mud design. Petrel now also offers automatic well data liberation when creating well hazard studies that have not been previously liberated to OSDU.



    Reservoir Engineering

    (2024.2) Run on GPU option for Intersect simulations: You can now run Intersect simulations on GPU by selecting the Run on GPU option in the Define simulation case process. The queue must have a supported GPU card installed and configured. You must have Intersect 2021.3 or later and Simulation Runtime Environment 2022.6 or later to use this feature.


    Petrel and Studio


    (2024.2) Ezrokhi density and viscosity plot: You can now visualize Ezrokhi density and viscosity plot on the Water tab in the Make fluid model process. This applies to isothermal fluid models with gas component solubility in water tables and brine.


    Petrel and Studio


    (2024.3) CO2 storage simulation using Petrel model builder: The Carbon storage model builder provides a step-by-step guided workflow for the setup of a simulation model to estimate CO2 capacity in saline aquifers. In this guided workflow, you can model the complex physical and chemical behavior of CO2 in a few user-friendly guided steps.

    • You can utilize an existing grid in Petrel and define the fluid system, gaseous and aqueous phase properties, and the mutual solubility of CO2 and H2O with the Spycher and Pruess method. A set of pre-selected correlations and default values are populated for you.
    • Rock physics functions such as relative permeability curve and capillary pressure tables are simplified to cater for CO2 storage models.
    • Fit for purpose field management is available to model CO2 injection scenarios effectively and efficiently.

    To use this functionality, you must have Intersect 2024.1 or later. Intersect Connector 2024.1 or later must be active.


    Petrel and Studio


    Petrel and Studio


    (2024.3) Spycher and Pruess solubility model in compositional fluid models for Intersect: You can now define the mutual solubility of CO2 and H2O as a function of pressure, temperature, and the presence of various salts using the Spycher and Pruess option in compositional fluid models in the Make fluid model process for Intersect cases. To use this feature, you must have Intersect 2024.1 or later and Intersect Connector 2024.1 or later must be active.

    (2024.4) User resources: User resources is a new feature that enables you to import various files into Petrel and associate them with Intersect simulation cases in the AFI file. One possible application is importing CSV files for use with Intersect cases and integrating the files directly into the Petrel project rather than having links to the files.


    Petrel and Studio


    (2024.4) Tabular rock physics in Carbon storage model builder: You can now provide saturation function inputs in tabular format for gas-water systems. To use this feature, you must have Intersect 2024.1 or later, and Intersect Connector 2024.1 or later must be active.

    (2024.4) Carbon storage model builder 3D results preset: When you select a CCS simulated case in the Cases pane, three preset 3D windows open automatically and display the aqueous fraction, gas saturation, and pressure results.

    (2024.4) Pressure, temperature, and salinity-dependent K-values for compositional models: You can now define K-value dependency on pressure, temperature, and salinity for simulations in Intersect FM workflows. This option also supports using Spycher and Pruess mutual solubility for CO2 and H2O, along with K-values for other hydrocarbon components. To use this feature, you must have Intersect 2024.2 or later and Intersect Connector 2024.2 or later must be active.

    (2024.4) Multicomponent solubility in water for compositional models: You can now incorporate multiple hydrocarbon components in isothermal models using solubility and K-value tables. This enhancement enables you to specify which components are soluble in the Make fluid model process. To use this feature, you must have Intersect 2024.2 or later and Intersect Connector 2024.2 or later must be active.

    (2024.4) Uncertainty and Optimization Base case tab: The Base case tab of the Uncertainty and optimization dialog box now has the same look and feel as the Workflow editor. The update includes a new comments field and the ability to search for utilities, operations, and processes that you can insert into the workflow.


    Petrel and Studio


    (2024.4) Uncertainty and Optimization Edit workflow button: The Edit workflow button in the Base case tab of the Uncertainty and optimization dialog box has been removed. The new behavior is equivalent to being permanently in edit mode.

    (2024.4) Uncertainty and Optimization Intersect user edits as reference variables: Petrel 2024.4 cland later Uncertainty and optimization workflows support Intersect user edits as reference variables in the Define simulation case step.

    (2024.5) Carbon storage model builder Summary vector results preset is available to quickly create predefined summary plots on simulation case of interest.

    (2024.5) Carbon storage model builder is now integrated into the Uncertainty and Optimization process. From this version the Fluid and Rock Physics tabs allow users to set up and execute uncertainty analysis or optimization workflows for Carbon Storage studies.


    Product Overview

    Petrel™ subsurface software offers geoscientists and engineers a single platform for collaborative workflows, using innovative, best-in-class technology. From seismic processing to production, Petrel subsurface software enables seamless integration across all subsurface domains, helping users to deliver their best field development plan every time.

    Commitment to technology and quality is one of SLB’s guiding principles. In line with this, Petrel 2024.1 delivers the latest updates in domain workflows, functionality, and productivity. It also leverages the power of the Delfi™ digital platform to bring the latest advances in machine learning technology to your favorite subsurface software. Those subsurface workflows are used to accelerate exploration, development, and production for either unconventional or conventional reservoirs, and they are now fully applicable for developing new energy and low-carbon projects, such as carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS), geothermal, and wind farm site characterization.

    Learn more about Petrel and Studio.


    Both Petrel software and Studio software bring benefits to all geoscientists and engineers, including seismic processors, seismic interpreters, geologists, reservoir modelers, reservoir engineers, drilling engineers, production geologists, and data and information managers.

    They can be deployed by companies working in exploration, development, and production for either unconventional or conventional reservoirs. They are now also fully used for developing new energy projects, such as CCUS, geothermal and wind farm site characterization.

    More information

    For more details or to download the release documentation, visit the Petrel software product support and Studio software product support page.