• In code we trust image of pcs with binary ones and zeros superimposed

    The Simulation of Simplicity: Give a boost to your code

    Jul 03, 2024

    In this blog post, with a minimum of math, discover the essence of the Simulation of the Simplicity.

    Emmanuel Malvesin, Scientific Computing Engineer  · July 3, 2024 · 10 min read

    Spotlight on Innovation Factori Oslo

    Spotlight on INNOVATION FACTORI Kuala Lumpur

    Jun 21, 2024

    Our INNOVATION FACTORI locations aim to solve local challenges by bringing together a world-class team of domain data and AI experts to develop customized solutions.

    Daiye Zheng, INNOVATION FACTORI Kuala Lumpur manager  · June 22, 2024 · 8 min read

    A brief history of the Olga simulator

    A brief history of the Olga simulator

    Jun 04, 2024

    For 40 years the Olga simulator has been the de facto market standard for transient multiphase flow simulation.

    Jon Reino Heum  · June 4th, 2024 · 10 min read

    A brief history of the Olga simulator

    A brief history of the Pipesim simulator

    Jun 04, 2024

    For 40 years, the Pipesim simulator has been continuously improved by incorporating not only the latest science in the three core areas of flow modeling.

    Jon Reino Heum  · June 4th, 2024 · 10 min read

    Spotlight on Innovation Factori Oslo

    Spotlight on INNOVATION FACTORI Oslo

    Apr 23, 2024

    Our INNOVATION FACTORI locations aim to solve local challenges by bringing together a world-class team of domain data and AI experts to develop customized solutions.

    Nils Kjetil Vestmoen Nilsen  · April 23rd, 2024 · 8 min read

    Improving cyber defenses by cultivating the hacker mindset

    Cultivating the hacker mindset

    Dec 18, 2023

    Cyber-attacks are on the rise, with growing impact on companies’ finances, operations, customers, and reputations. None are immune to these threats, but it is possible to significantly improve our defenses by training our trusted people to think like a hacker—to cultivate the hacker mindset
    December 18, 2023 · 8 min read

    Measuring and monitoring a key to success.

    Measuring and monitoring a key to success

    Oct 31, 2023

    The cleanest energy is the energy we do not consume.
    October 31, 2023 · 9 min read

    In code we trust image of pcs with binary ones and zeros superimposed

    In Code We Trust: Why your computer makes mistakes

    Aug 18, 2023

    Are the computations performed by our computers accurate? The answer to this question is very clear: computers can "make mistakes."
    Emmanuel Malvesin · August 18, 2023 · 12 min read

    Agile innovation for the Energy Transition image

    Future Ready Talent: Preparing Energy Experts for the AI Era

    Jun 29, 2023

    The digital transformation of the energy industry is lauded publicly for delivering gigantic leaps in performance across organizations.
    Trygve Randen · June 29, 2023 · 5 min read

    Agile innovation for the Energy Transition image

    Building and Managing High-Performing AI Teams in the Energy Industry: Lessons from the Embedded AI Lab

    Jun 15, 2023

    Discover valuable insights on how to construct, organize, and manage AI teams for optimal performance in the energy industry. Gain expert advice and learn from the four years of success at the Embedded AI Lab. Read now!
    Josselin Kherroubi · June 15, 2023 · 10 min read

    Automated coffee makers, self-driving cars, and the future of production operations

    Apr 17, 2023

    If coffee machines can make coffee without any manual intervention, why can't oil or gas wells automatically inject inhibitors to improve uptime?
    Garud Bindiganavale Sridhar: April 17, 2023 · 9 min read

    Agile innovation for the Energy Transition image

    Agile innovation for the Energy Transition

    Mar 01, 2023

    Innovation comes in multiple shapes and sizes and is undoubtedly key to our success as a global technology company.
    Pierre Ferron · March 1st, 2023 · 6 min read

    Seven essential elements of production domain analytics success

    Seven essential elements of production domain analytics success

    Feb 13, 2023

    We have entered the ‘edge’ era in the energy sector—striving for new insights and intelligent actions through automation and machine learning (ML).

    Yves-Marie Subervie · February 13, 2023 · 7 min read

    Code for kids image

    Code4kids retrospective: how four guys from SLB launched an initiative to teach coding to children

    Nov 28, 2022

    Code4kids retrospective: how four guys from SLB launched an initiative to teach coding to children
    Joan Abadie, Fabian Serin, Maxime Pinchon and Francois Vinyes · November 28th, 2022 · 5 min read

    A brief introduction to 3d

    A brief introduction to 3D (and how to make money with it)

    Nov 18, 2022

    A brief introduction to 3D (and how to make money with it)
    November 8, 2022 · 9 min read

    User Experience (UX) Sorcery in the Realm of Energy - Schlumberger Digital Blog

    User Experience Sorcery in the Realm of Energy

    May 12, 2022

    Research is about questioning, and structuring users’ reality into knowledge, while design is about crafting information to build an intuitive and fluid experience...
    Raphaël Vonthron · May 12, 2022 · 7 min Read

    Production Operations – the imperatives to evolve and an extraordinary new world of opportunity

    Production Operations – the imperatives to evolve, and an extraordinary new world of opportunity

    Feb 15, 2022

    Schlumberger has over two decades of experience developing and implementing digital oilfield technologies and processes. Our singular goal has always been to create value b....
    Colin JB Smith · Feb 15, 2022 · 7 min read

    The power of CO2 - Schlumberger Digital Blog

    The Power of CO2—Enhanced Oil Recovery for Unconventional Reservoirs

    Feb 09, 2022

    ...there has been considerable interest in the application of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods. Among the EOR methods, injecting gases, primarily CO2, N2, and enriched natural gases can be applied in shale oil reservoirs...
    Multiple Authors · Feb 09, 2022 · 6 min read

    AI—Taking the Guesswork Out of Well Engineering

    AI—Taking the Guesswork Out of Well Engineering

    Jan 27, 2022

    I will try to give you my approach about Artificial Intelligence in this industry. I will try to give you my approach about Artificial Intelligence...
    Vyom Shrivastava · Jan 27, 2022 · 4 min read

    How we deploy machine learning to rapidly reduce drilling times - Schlumberger Digital Blog

    How we deploy machine learning to rapidly reduce drilling times

    Nov 29, 2021

    Having been closely involved in rig operations for a large part of my career, I have spent several sleepless nights agonizing over the consequences of judgement calls I had made. I’m sure others feel the same; as ‘drillers’, us well engineers, field supervisors and drilling superintendents are required to navigate endless dilemmas daily...
    Soumil Shah; Nov 29, 2021 · 5 min Read

    Digital Transformation for Production Chemistry - Schlumberger Digital Blog

    Digital Transformation for Production Chemistry

    Nov 09, 2021

    Many clients view their production chemical program as an annoying cost, but to me it seems that this is driven by an overall level of dissatisfaction with their chemical programs...
    Mike Van Spankeren  · Nov 9, 2021 · 8 min Read

    Scaling the Mountain to Global CCS and Low Carbon Hydrogen Production - Schlumberger Digital Blog

    Scaling the Mountain to Global CCS and Low Carbon Hydrogen Production

    Oct 28, 2021

    With COP26 on the immediate horizon, the world is looking to governments, climate experts and industry to lay out decisive plans and commitments to keep global warming to well below 2°C...
    Sam Tilley · Oct 28, 2021 · 3 min read

    From ML to Explainable ML - Schlumberger Digital Blog

    From ML to Explainable ML - How it Applies to Drilling Tools

    Aug 31, 2021

    As ML models are increasingly finding their way across industry and society in general, there is a growing need to justify how and why these models provide specific outcomes...
    Daniel Viassolo  · Aug 31, 2021 · 5 min Read

    Autonomous Operations - Schlumberger Software Blog

    Autonomous Operations - Age of Artificial Intelligence

    Aug 17, 2021

    Automation, as the implementation of processes to perform activities towards a goal without human assistance, has been a key contributor to the evolution of humanity, saving us time, costs and opening playgrounds outside of human physical capabilities...
    Filip Dvorak · Aug 06, 2021 · 12 min read

    Expanding DELFI Reach Portability

    Expanding DELFI Reach Portability

    Jun 22, 2021

    Enabling digitalization of the E&P workspace, providing access to AI-enhanced workflows, accessible data, and digital solutions in multi-cloud environments...
    Ian Ambler · Jun 22, 2021 · 12 min Read

    INNOVATION FACTORI - Schlumberger Software Blog

    INNOVATION FACTORI - Innovation for business impact

    Jun 21, 2021

    In the INNOVATION FACTORI we assemble new digital workflows from a rich library of emerging and available digital technology. When required, we create brand new digital technology solutions together...
    Morten Jensen; Jun 21, 2021 · 9 min Read

    The Evolving Role of the Geoscientist for a Sustainable Future

    The Evolving Role of the Geoscientist for a Sustainable Future

    Apr 06, 2021

    For as far back as I can remember I have been passionate about social and environmental sustainability and the possibilities to advance this agenda within our sector...
    Emer Caslin · Apr 6, 2021 · 8 min Read

    The Value of Well Barrier Schematics

    The Value of Well Barrier Schematics

    Mar 04, 2021

    More engineers are creating digital well barrier plans in one common cloud-based repository—with a two-barrier philosophy as the backbone—to plan for the safety of their wells throughout the entire life cycle...
    Estelle Pettersen & Trine Bakke · Mar 4, 2021 · 3 min Read

    Battery Storage - Schlumberger Software Blog

    Battery Technology

    Feb 23, 2021

    After many years of scientific studies and through public discussions and even politically debating, it at least has become a common awareness that a sustainable society is vitally important for human-being. But how to maintain sustainability remains as divided approaches....
    Wenlin Zhang · Feb 23, 2021 · 11 min Read

    In the Shoes of a Schlumberger Fellow - Schlumberger Software Blog

    In the Shoes of a Schlumberger Fellow

    Feb 08, 2021

    The oil industry is a model for all others in achievement and approach to human capital. Schlumberger, in particular, has been a guiding light even when navigating recent extremely difficult times.
    Oliver C. Mullins  · Feb 08, 2021 · 7 min Read

    Art vs Science - Evolution of the Digital Driller

    Art vs Science - Evolution of the Digital Driller

    Jan 15, 2021

    There is no doubt in my mind that the best driller can out drill the best artificial intelligence (AI) out there. It’s not “go” that we are playing on the rig after all. If it would only be that simple!
    Crispin Chatar  · Jan 15, 2021 · 9 min Read

    Using Blockchain and Market Mechanism to Unlock Investment in Carbon Reduction

    Using Blockchain and Market Mechanism to Unlock Investment in Carbon Reduction

    Jan 08, 2021

    One of the key issues in reducing emissions from large stationary sources like power plants or cement factories is the sheer cost associated with capturing the carbon dioxide and storing it underground. It is a daunting prospect even for large industrial players.
    Damien Gerard  · Jan 08, 2021 · 5 min Read

    Quantum Computing Applications for the Energy Industry

    Quantum Computing Applications for the Energy Industry

    Dec 16, 2020

    Many have probably heard of quantum computing, including a lot of recent news about its promised ability to compute solutions to problems currently unachievable by even the largest supercomputer built to date.
    Rodney Lessard  · Dec 16, 2020 · 10 min Read

    Modeling Hydraulic Fractures - Schlumberger Software Blog

    Modeling Hydraulic Fractures

    Nov 30, 2020

    Since the first hydraulic fracturing job in the 1940s the technology has evolved continuously. In North America, around 70 percent of the new wells drilled are horizontal wells that require hydraulic fracturing to produce at economical rates.
    Raj Banerjee  · Nov 30, 2020 · 6 min Read

    Everything about Hydrogen, Schlumberger blog

    Hydrogen on the Horizon

    Nov 17, 2020

    The world is changing rapidly, and the pandemic of 2020 has accelerated plans to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, particularly in Europe. A growing number of governments are putting “net zero” targets into law...
    David Snoswell  · Nov 17, 2020 · 7 min Read

    The birth of the ExplorePlan accelerated exploration planning solution

    The Birth of the ExplorePlan Accelerated Exploration Planning Solution

    Oct 30, 2020

    Having recently launched the ExplorePlan accelerated planning solution to the market as a new cloud-native planning solution in the DELFI cognitive E&P environment designed for the exploration domain...
    Sofie Nollet, Claire Castagnac & Fredrik Stabell  · Oct 30, 2020 · 7 min Read

    Data Science - Schlumberger

    Top 10 Success Factors for Effective Machine Learning Projects

    Oct 30, 2020

    For almost a decade now I have been involved in managing innovation centers, innovation programs and a wide range of industry collaborations to envision, develop and bring new solutions based on machine learning (ML) to our customers in petroleum and renewable energy.
    Morten Jensen  · Oct 30, 2020 · 9 min Read

    Schlumberger Software Technology Innovation Center

    Academia meets Corporate

    Oct 14, 2020

    400+ Universities worldwide, 1500+ new key profile hires, 900+ interns per year, multiple consortiums and R&D collaborations… Those were numbers I saw when I became Director University Collaborations in 2018.
    Marina Bulova  · Oct 14, 2020 · 4 min Read

    Reservoir simulation for CO2 storage studies

    Reservoir Simulation for CO2 Studies

    Oct 06, 2020

    Carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) initiatives are making international headlines this year. Many governments are setting targets for carbon neutrality to be reached in the near future...
    Marie Ann Giddins  · Oct 6, 2020 · 7 min Read

    Virtual Twin

    Virtual Twin in Oilfield

    Oct 01, 2020

    I love science fiction. Historically science fiction was the entrepreneurs’ inspiration and motivation source. By chance or not, but some of the “future” stuff came from science fiction....
    Andrey Konchenko · Oct 1, 2020 · 6 min Read

    Order Leadtime Prediction - Schlumberger Software

    Order Leadtime - Predict the Unpredictable

    Sep 24, 2020

    To manage a high-performance supply chain, it is critical to understand exactly when products will be delivered and what the lead time for their delivery is. Lead time in this context ...
    Luke van der Waals, Jairaj Shetty & Raj Kumar · Sep 24, 2020 · 5 min Read

    The power of offset well knowledge - buried on reports?

    The power of offset well knowledge… buried on reports? 

    Sep 15, 2020

    I vividly remember that first taxi ride through the canals of The Hague, cruising through the streets on a cold night ...
    Berenice Aldaz · Sep 15, 2020 · 6 min Read

    Driving Performance with Digital - Schlumberger

    Digital has always been in our DNA!

    Sep 09, 2020

    Today, we may consider ourselves fortunate to live in a time of dramatic, rapid change, and witness the beginnings of the Fourth Industrial Revolution...
    Peadar McKevitt · Sep 9, 2020 · 8 min Read

    Application of mathematics to real world problems

    Applications of mathematics to real world problems: a research career from medical imaging to oil business

    Aug 26, 2020

    It all starts with a female postdoc position in Norway...
    Aicha Bounaim · Aug 26, 2020 · 7 min Read

    Data Science for All

    Data Science for All!

    Aug 18, 2020

    The energy industry is facing a dynamic business environment with significant economic pressures over the last few years, to say the least...
    Sampath Reddy - Jimmy Klinger · Aug 18, 2020 · 8 min Read

    Schlumberger Blog: Analog to digital - Field geology and collaboration through the lens of a simple geologist and 4K drone

    Analog to digital: Field geology and collaboration through the lens of a simple geologist and a 4K drone

    Aug 04, 2020

    As a young student I was searching for a direction, a new branch that would make sense. A couple of branches were already broken; art—couldn’t get in, mathematics—didn’t have the brain. Geology came as a surprising option...
    Tormod Slettemeas · Aug 4, 2020 · 4 min Read

    Schlumberger Blog - Digitalization for Subsea Asset Integrity Inspection

    Digitalization for Subsea Asset Integrity Inspection: Bridging the Gap between Human Operators and Intelligent Robots

    Jul 28, 2020

    Various industries have started to take advantage of advanced technologies, such as computer vision, robotics to automate operations, increase production...
    Nader Salman · Jul 28, 2020 · 3 min Read

    A short history of geomechanics in Schlumberger

    A short history of geomechanics in Schlumberger

    Jul 21, 2020

    How the fledgling software, Petrel, grew into multifunctional industry-favorite, the Petrel E&P software platform...
    Juliane Heiland · Jul 21, 2020 · 5 min Read

    From Petrel to DELFI 2020

    20 years of Petrel: From a precious dongle… to DELFI Petrotechnical Suite

    Jul 14, 2020

    How the fledgling software, Petrel, grew into multifunctional industry-favorite, the Petrel E&P software platform...
    Caroline Le Turdu · Jul 14, 2020 · 6 min Read

    Leveraging AI to support managers

    Leveraging AI to support managers with Insights for improving employee performance appraisal

    Jul 07, 2020

    It was an ordinary Schlumberger, passionate, discussion about business in Q2 of 2019 with a colleague in operations that triggered events leading...
    Modhar Khan · Jul 7, 2020 · 4 min Read

    When mechanics meets sub-surface modeling

    When mechanics meets sub-surface modeling

    Jun 30, 2020

    During daytime I develop algorithms to better represent the sub-surface and work on Petrel’s Structural Modeling development project...
    Thomas Laverne · Jun 30, 2020 · 3 min Read

    Towards an unstructured future

    Towards an unstructured future

    Jun 23, 2020

    When I started working on meshes, my mentor once told me “if you want a brilliant career that very few will ever notice, becoming an expert in meshes is the way to go”. And indeed, it certainly does not have the wide exposure...
    Thomas Viard · Jun 23, 2020 · 5 min Read

    Natural language processing in oil & gas

    Natural Language Processing: The New Frontier in Oil and Gas

    Jun 16, 2020

    You probably saw the news on the latest digital assistant that can book your next haircut appointment over the phone. And heard about the AI algorithm that can answer eighth grade elementary science questions...
    Zikri Bayraktar · Jun 16, 2020 · 4 min Read

    Solving the challenge of seismic data management

    Solving the challenge of seismic data management—from compression to open-sourcing

    Jun 12, 2020

    The challenges orbiting around seismic data are probably very peculiar and unique to our industry. The sizes of such data have grown...
    Victor Aarre - Jimmy Klinger · Jun 12, 2020 · 12 min read


    How GPM made its way into the Petrel platform. A technical journey… or is it? 

    Jun 02, 2020

    SIS VP of technology (Meyer B) asks myself & and Rod Laver (another getting-grey-hair-guy at the time) to go find some geoscience software that will make a difference...
    Alex Wilson · Jun 2, 2020 · 14 min read

    Schlumberger Blog - Digital Transformation-Understanding the How

    Digital Transformation - Understanding the "How"

    May 27, 2020

    In our previous blog post, we’ve explored the importance of establishing the reason (i.e. the “Why”) to rally the organization to transform...
    Alvin See · May 27, 2020 · 4 min Read

    A slightly biased short history of Geostatistics

    A Slightly Biased Short History of Geostatistics

    May 19, 2020

    Geostatistics has deep roots. Some of the technical results date back to Kolmogorov and Wiener’s independent work on time series in the 1930s and 1940s...
    Colin Daly · May 19, 2020 · 6 min Read

    Schlumberger Digital Transformation Consulting

    Digital Transformation—Starting with "Why"

    May 15, 2020

    Searching Digital Transformation on the internet returns >400mn results. Yet many organizations find it difficult to put a finger on it with senior stakeholder feedback...
    Alvin See · May 15, 2020 · 3 min Read

    Artificial Intelligence Initiation Tips in the Oil & Gast Industry

    AI – project initiation tips

    May 11, 2020

    I will try to give you my approach about Artificial Intelligence in this industry. I will try to give you my approach about Artificial Intelligence...
    Laurent Butre · Apr 15, 2020 · 4 min read

    Schlumberger Digital Transformation Consulting

    Energized Collaboration

    Apr 15, 2020

    I have been fully immersed in the digital transformation movement for over 6 years now, establishing and leading the Schlumberger digital innovation center...
    Morten Jensen · Apr 15, 2020 · 4 min read