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GPM geological process modeling software is a simulator for forward modeling of stratigraphic and sedimentary processes that works with the Petrel E&P software platform. It provides a methodology to model siliciclastic and carbonate reservoirs based on the principle of mass and energy conservation.

GPM software enables users to create stratigraphic models showing the expected sediment geometries and to predict the lithology distributions as well as gain insights into the composition and deposition of the sedimentary sequences. Specifically, GPM software models the erosion, transport, and deposition of clastic and carbonate sediments—either independently or concurrently—in different geological settings (for example, channels, rivers, turbidity flows, and shoreline systems) along with related geological processes such as carbonate growth, meteoric diagenesis, and sediment compaction.

Tightly integrated with the Petrel platform, GPM software makes true cross-domain collaboration and workflow standardization in the same canvas a reality.




Geological Concepts & Knowledge Capture

GPM 2D is a unique forward stratigraphic modeling solution leveraging the Petrel platform visualization capabilities. It offers an intuitive, focused working environment (elementary parameters, drawing tools) to seamlessly test multiple geological scenarios and efficiently build concept-driven, process-based models in a user-defined cross-section.

GPM 2D enables the geoscientist to interactively and iteratively observe and capture the effect of basin tectonics (subsidence and uplift) as well as sea-level variations on the basin-fill architecture, thereby providing robust geological understandings which can in turn be used as proxies for 3D modeling at different locations.



Reservoir Characterization and Prediction

GPM 3D allows geoscientists to access the entire suite of dynamic sedimentary processes available in GPM software (for example, hydraulic-based steady and unsteady flow modeling) and to account for the lateral inputs of sediments or flows over geological time. In GPM 3D, the digital geological models that are generated forward predict the sediment distribution, petrophysical properties and the overall stratigraphic architecture in three dimensions from basin- to reservoir-scale, thereby capturing the subsurface heterogeneity and reducing the related uncertainties.

All of the available geological processes can be modeled independently or in combination in the GPM software. Therefore, the advanced 3D geological models that are built can either focus on the development and redistribution of carbonates, or on capturing the clastic stratigraphic sequences, or both together. 


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The GPM software is now available in the Delfi digital platform

New insights can be gained through the utilization of the secure, cloud-based environment as increased accessibility and flexibility to more science in the GPM software is automatically and instantly at your fingertips.

Delfi digital platform