When you have the best possible understanding of the subsurface in your unconventional play, locating sweet spots becomes a process that’s more about calculation, and less about chance. This is how our team of unconventionals consultants can substantially improve your hydrocarbon discovery. They possess a unique understanding of well variabilities, related production behavior, the economics and management. Through their experience, combined with industry leading software tools, we can provide you with specific insights and recommendations on how to accelerate your production in unconventional plays with reduced development costs per barrel. 

We offer a range of solutions to help maximize performance across the unconventional asset lifecycle, from concept through to exploitation.

Schlumberger Asset Consulting

We accelerate hydrocarbon delivery for our clients and lower their unit development costs, maximizing the value of their unconventional assets.

By optimizing production performance we significantly reduce the unit cost per barrel for our clients. We align with subsurface to significantly drive up client production and minimize Capex investment, ensuring clients can drill fewer wells but get the same (or better) production.

We take an integrated approach— bringing different disciplines together while utilizing our established, well developed workflows to determine where to land and how to complete a well. At the same time we align with our clients’ objectives and data availability to develop customized solutions.

We utilize industry leading software tools and combine these with our experience and expertise to deliver a more complete solution to clients. We also work directly with those developing the tools to make continuous improvements and bring those to market first


What makes us different?

Seamless integration - An integrated approach—bringing advanced unconventional workflows applied and driven by basin-level petrotechnical experts.

Track record

Success in delivering top performing wells—collaborative alignment with operators’ objectives.

Global experience

Extensive experience in North America and the Middle East, as well as Argentina, Columbia, Europe, North Africa, Australia, and China.

Services we offer include:

  • Rapid resource assessment

  • Resources to reserves evaluation

  • Completion optimization and well spacing FDP

  • GeoEngineered performance

  • Unconventional EOR